Mobrium, the Book-Inspired Business

Hey friend!

Yes it’s true. The Review Cycle inspired me to launch a tech start-up with my wife Crista. Yes it’s also true that writing the book was Crista’s idea, but that’s another story.

Here’s why we started to build Mobrium- the world’s first employer reputation platform.

Between the fall of 2017 and summer of 2022 I spent over 2,000 hours conducting research and writing The Review Cycle. During that time, I indexed over 1,000 content pieces from over 50 different reputation management companies. This process greatly informed the structure and content of the book. Not only did it help make it more focused on timeless principles, but it gave me valuable insights into the reputation industry.

I discovered that there were many sub-disciplines within the space. There were many companies dedicated to product reviews, brand reviews, local retail reviews and more. 

I also found a glaring hole in the market.

Not a single company existed to support employers with their reviews on sites like Glassdoor, Indeed and more.

Considering my experience spanned two passions- reputation management and company culture, this discovery seemed like destiny.

In September of 2022, two months after The Review Cycle was published, I quit my job as a VP of Company Culture at iFIT. 

That’s when Mobrium was born. 

(And yes, Crista came up with the name. It represents “momentum” and “equilibrium”. You need ongoing momentum collecting employee feedback to maintain a positive equilibrium with your online ratings and company culture.)

By June of 2023 was live and our V1 software was live. Mobrium software is modeled after the four phases of The Review Cycle. It helps HR and employer brand managers:

  • Automate employee review requests to employer review sites like Glassdoor and Indeed
  • Manage employee reviews from many sites in one place
  • Learn from employee reviews with custom reports across employer review sites
  • Identify powerful employee review stats to use in employer branding

Here’s a 2-min video with more about Mobrium:

If you’re in HR, leadership or employer branding and have 200+ employees, chances are Mobrium could really benefit your business. If you’d like to see a demo of Mobrium, our team will actually conduct an employer reputation report of your business absolutely free. This report shows the current health of your employer reputation across top sites like Glassdoor and more. It also includes a profit impact and a 12-month forecast. 

Click below to claim your free report and see what Mobrium could do for you. 


Matt R. Vance
Co-Founder & CEO, Mobrium
Author, The Review Cycle